Available technologies and tools have to be checked regarding the options they offer for the project at hand and what restrictions come with them. For whom are they appropriate?
Do current technologies equally serve many groups of people? Are there domains that cannot or should not be supported technologically? (reflection aspect: benefit)
Canadian sex workers and a Canadian sex worker rights organization co-produce and maintain a list of potentially dangerous customers that they share with each other to ensure their own safety. The list is available on paper and also distributed as pdf. A participatory project considered a digital intervention to make the current list more accessible for reporting and sharing among the sex workers community. They discovered that in its current formats and through the various ways of reporting incidents to the organisation that takes care of the anonymisation, the list not only serves harm reduction and violence prevention but also creates social cohesion and exchange. In addition, sex workers turned out to be a diverse group, depending on their place of work, the available digital infrastructure and access to hardware and software. The benefits of a new digital-only solution would not be worth the impairment of the current communication system.