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Science is about the production, advancement, criticism, and reflection of knowledge. From a gender and diversity perspective, it is necessary to ask whose knowledge is regarded as relevant in science and how this subsequently determines scientific and technological discourses. In addition, science makes statements about people and human capabilities and is thus also involved in the production of knowledge about gender and other social categories. Seemingly stable knowledge about gender characteristics and values can be found in the history of many disciplines. However, this knowledge often proves to be a norm which is produced rather than the actual experience of many.

Questions relating to Impulses

  • In which ways might new knowledge (from other cultures, various life domains, new application areas) inspire our research and development? And how are we giving credit to these cultures and areas of expertise?
  • Are there findings in disciplines like Gender Studies , Black Feminism, Critical Race Studies, Disability Studies, Health and Nursing Sciences that might inspire our research?